You know that feeling when you figure something out? When you finally see a way off that cliff that keeps you from moving on in your journey? It feels so good. You notice a path. You get a new piece of information--everything makes sense. You have spotted yourself on the map, and there's a marker saying, ok, this is where you are; you're not lost anymore.
That happened yesterday when I went to Barnes and Noble with the gift card I got for my birthday. Walking in to a bookstore with 25 dollars to spend is heaven for me. I wander, taking on each section, noting the books that give me a little "oh yes" feeling when I see them on the shelf. But then I have to circle back around, look again, figure out which ones I would be content to to check out from the library, and which ones I would like to have lying around the house permanently so I can pick them up and find that quote I love so much.
Yesterday I looked in the History section, the New Paperbacks Section, and the Writing Section. There was a book my sister recommended, "How To Write a Sentence" by Stanley Fish.Yes, I want it. Yes, it's a keeper, but I had to let it go, because on my trip through the Psychology Section I found a book called Stop Walking On EggShells that gave a perfect description of a certain situation I have in my life. I skimmed. I felt a tug, a rather strong one, an emotional response that told me that this here book could be really, really GOOD! So I bought it and spent the afternoon in my bed with this genie in a bottle, appearing with each turn of the page, ready to grant me my most important wish--the answer to the question of how to deal with a very confounding relationship in my life.
No it's not my relationship with JJ. It doesn't really matter who it is for the purpose of this blog. What matters is that the smallest things, like getting a Barnes and Noble gift card for your birthday, can lead to the most amazing breakthroughs. Was this random? Was it God guiding my path when I didn't even know it? Whichever it was, I think it calls for a prayer of thanks, an acknowledgment that there are answers to what seems to be impossible situations. God is truth, and so He most surely has something to do with every light bulb moment. So today I stare out my window with my heart a little more open, my hope re-kindled. I'm not alone with my problems, and the map I need to find that hidden treasure just became a little clearer.
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